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Toute votre infrastructure télécom "as a service" pour votre hôtel

Our network in France

 A national coverage thanks to our partners

Our network is managed from the one end to the other end: from our Data Center directly to your hotel.

We are a service operator working with infrastructure operators so that you can benefit from our services anywhere in France. 

Contact us to have an eligibility confirmation based on your address.

Our services delivered by an optical fiber

QoS, managed services

 UNE FIBRE OPTIQUE : Nous amenons une fibre noire ou fibre dédiée au pied de votre hôtel. Tous vos besoins télécoms passent     par cette fibre directement reliée à notre Data Center.

  LE HAUT DÉBIT : Notre fibre est dimensionnée pour offrir un grand nombre de chaînes TV ainsi qu'une bande passante très   élevée consacrée à l'accès internet pour garantir un très haut débit.

  DANS LE CLOUD : Vous n'avez plus besoin de serveurs informatiques dans l'hôtel, vos services sont simplement opérés dans le   cloud et gérés depuis notre Data Center.

Our core network

Our service level agreement


We own and operate ourselves our core network and routers, all of them in interconnection with our partners, the infrastructure operators.

Our commitments

Our services are SLA guaranted with a recovery time guarantee and a response time guarantee.

Network operation center

Our NOC monitors our services 24/7. In case of dedicated optical fiber cut, an optical fiber to the home will be used as a back up for internet and telephony.


A secured network

Make security your priority

Our dedicated network is operated directly by our staff and is protected with strong firewalls. Your hotel will benefit from a dedicated fixed public IP address on which we can implement NAT rules for you.  

Your guests deserve a wifi access that is totally secured, from their devices to the world wide web, including the radio part of the network. SAB SYSTEM helps you offer that to your customers with a simple password displayed on the TV set of the room and changed automatically at each check-in. 

                                                                             Contact us